10 People Who Should Ride in the Wedding Limo

Who gets to ride in the limo at a wedding is the million-dollar question with which most couples grapple. Doing a head count for intended riders in a wedding limo is a crucial logistic issue. Your prior knowledge of the limo riders informs your choice and budget. It facilitates planning for amenities offered by the limo operator. To avoid last-minute embarrassment, plan and make a final decision as to who gets to ride in the wedding limo. Organize alternative transport for those who won’t have space in the limo. There are however some critical people who must be among the first to ride in the wedding limo. Here is a list:

1. The Bride and Groom
The bride and groom top the list of people to ride in the wedding limo. In most occasions, the groom drives to the wedding with his best man. The groom and his attendants arrive at the wedding venue earlier than the bridal party. They may need a separate limo. The bride comes for the officiating ceremony later in a bridal limo. After that, the bride and the groom ride together to the reception venue. The wedding limo is primarily meant for the two.

2. The Best Man and Maid of Honour
The maid of honour and the best man make part of the inner circle of helpers during the wedding. The role of the two is to give moral and emotional support to the bride and groom. They are the principal helpers throughout the ceremony and reception. Include your best man and maid of honour when shortlisting limo riders.

3. The Children of the Bride and Groom
The kids of the bride and groom should be among the wedding limo riders. The family is an integral party to the wedding event. Where the children are old enough, they can serve as flower girls, ring bearers and pageboys so they can feel like valued members of the family. A ride in the wedding limo gives them sweet memories they will remember for a long time. Include your kids in the limo transportation plans. The limousine may make a few trips to actualize this dream.

4. The Parents or Grandparents
Nothing gives the bride and groom joy than having their parents attend their wedding. These two should be on the list of who rides in the wedding limo. It is a parent’s joy to see their son or daughter get a spouse. A ride with your parents in the wedding limo is an exciting, yet emotional, experience. Not every bride or groom have the rare privilege of their parent’s presence at their wedding. In the absence of a parent, your guardian can step in. You might even include your grandparents in the limo.

5. The Bridal Party
Your bridal party consists of the bridesmaids, flower girls and the ring bearers. This party adds ambiance and glamour to your event. When taking a head-count of whom to ride in the wedding limo, consider your bridal party. They form a section of your photo session brigade. In most wedding ceremonies, the flower girls and the ring bearers don’t attend the reception. When they do, they leave early with their parents. Having them ride to the ceremony and attend the photo sessions can however be arranged at a cost.

6. Close Relatives
It takes a loving family to make your wedding ceremony memorable and joyous. While it is not possible to ride with every close relative, get one or two for the day. It could be your siblings, cousin, aunt or uncle. Once again, the limo can make extra trips to make this possible. After the wedding, your family will share sweet memories of the event with you. The goal of a wedding is the union of the bride and groom, sharing and celebrating their love with close family members. Couples should share happy moments with family members, and a limo ride provides the perfect setting.

7. Close Friends
Friends are an integral part of our lives. Get one or two of your best friends to ride in your wedding limo. This could be a former colleague, mate, or even a childhood friend. It is even better if the person is a mutual friend of the couple.

8. Get a Colleague
Your professional circle of colleagues is important to you. Getting one or two of your colleagues to ride in your wedding limo can be very fulfilling. Whether the wedding is a private ceremony or not, let some of your colleagues share in your milestone to boost your image as a family man or woman. Your professional family will feel honoured to be in a limo with you.

9. The Beautician and Photographer
On your wedding day, image is everything. You don’t want to be out of shape in front of your guests. Having your beautician ride in the wedding limo is a good idea. This way the beautician can provide services as and when needed. The photographer will take photos of your experiences in the limo. This offers exceptional memories.

10. A Flair Man
Where the limo provider allows the use of alcohol and soft drinks, it will be necessary to have a flair man to formulate alcohol and soft drinks for consumption. Since you may not have the skill of a mixologist among your friends, riding with one will make your day great. You will have the pleasure of enjoying your choice of drinks during the ride. It is cheaper since you are the one providing the drinks. Like the beautician, you will have to pay for their services, but having these two guys in your limo is a huge plus.

When planning for your wedding, limo transportation is critical. However, even more critical is deciding who goes in the wedding limo. While some people are a must-have in the limo, you will need to select carefully who else gets to ride with you. Your list of limo riders will inform the type and carrying capacity of the ideal limo. Your budget will also determine the number of passengers to get the limo service. If your budget allows, you may need to preserve more than one limo to make your day exceptional. Ultimately, you have the final say on who gets to ride in the limo with you.